Friday, December 4, 2009

When I use chapstick it seems to make it where my lips chap easier?

Like my lips are great as long as I put chapstick on like every few hours but if I don't put it on for a while my lips get horribly chapped. Is it just my imagination or does using chapstick make my lips worse? and if it isn't is there a lip balm that won't do this to me?When I use chapstick it seems to make it where my lips chap easier?
Mine do exactly the same and also when I drinks lots of water I get very dehydrated (probably cos I am going to the loo more often). I dont tend to use chapstick now. Your lips may get a bit chapped when you stop but will soon settle down. Try using perfume free lip gloss/stick instead.When I use chapstick it seems to make it where my lips chap easier?
Okay first of all it may be because so chap stick has petroleum, which does work, but with alcohol. The alcohol may cause it to chap you lips more. I've also heard somewhere that some lip balms have particles that essentially act like sand paper, furthering, the thought, that you need to use it, thus, making you buy MORE!! You also may be allergic to lanolin oil, commonly found in most chap sticks.

Try using Castar Oil [ yes it is motor oil but it WILL work ]. Also, you may try using Neutrogena Hand Cream, if you read the back it IS for lips, too.
it depends. if you have dry skin, it could be just that. however, chapstick has no real medicinal value, it's wax. try a lip balm that has other things in it, but stay away from carmex and things that have eucalyptus in them.. this does actually make you need to use it. i started using 'lip pro' when i move to the mountains and worked in a ski shop, skiing nearly everyday. after over 20 years, i still use it, but only when necessary. however, the shop i got it from doesn't carry it anymore, so now i buy it off the web.
Chapstick is actually pretty horrible for your lips! My dermatologist recommended that I use Aquaphor. She swears by it. You can find it in any drug store.

It's Petrolatum based. It makes my lips really soft. It's sold in little tubes for lips or you can buy big lotion-type-sized bottles. When my skin is all dry in the winter I rub it in anywhere that my skin is dry and flaky at night. It's kinda oily, but it absorbs quickly and makes my skin really soft. You can also put it on cuts and scrapes like neosporin. I love the stuff, it's got a million uses. Hope that helps!
I got the same problem! i wish I knew. I'm addicted to trying different lip balms and just bought a new one today but it's the same. I have to apply it every couple of hours. I wish i could help you
that';s your problem, you keep putting it on. your lips are now used to the chapstick, therefore when they don't have chapstick on it, they get...chappy haha.
try carmex

burt bees lip balm

or blistex

all work very well for chapped lips

answer mine?;_ylt=Am0qJz4h_FbyeF8Gz0AyxEkazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090218232127AAVYdOL
Are you taking any medication? I know there is acne med's that extensively dry out your face and lips included. Try using a chap stick with intensive moisturizer. Should work.
I guess, you should apply it a few times a day.
I feel the same way! I'm not sure why it happens, it's crazy! I'll check back for answers, lol.

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