Friday, December 4, 2009

Men what comes to mind when you see women using Vaseline for chap lips instead of lip balm or lip moisturizer?

Also would you kiss or French kiss a woman who was wearing Vaseline on her lips?

Do you think it's gross for people to using Vaseline to get rid of chapped lips?

Just asking what you men think of this.Men what comes to mind when you see women using Vaseline for chap lips instead of lip balm or lip moisturizer?
Hmmmm... I wonder what else she uses that for?

Kiss them? - depends on the woman. I would prefer flavored lip balm - it tastes better.Men what comes to mind when you see women using Vaseline for chap lips instead of lip balm or lip moisturizer?
Even *I* use Vaseline for chapped lips. Not kissing a girl with Vaseline is ignorant. She could be your 'soul mate' and you didn't date her because of Vaseline?
it's has all purpose application-- a man should kiss anywhere it's applied
Yeah, I don't think kissing would too cool, but other things might be!
she is ready for anything
it is normal.

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